• Large Wood in River Restoration

    Supported by a recent NSF award with Dr. Ellen Wohl, this project focuses on understanding the role of channel-spanning large wood on morphological and hydrologic processes in rivers, including better applications of large wood in river restoration. (NSF award 2229839)

  • Floodplain Vegetation and Channel Hydrodynamics

    This NSF-supported project includes a combination of field, flume, and modelling methods to understand how changes in floodplain vegetation impact channel hydraulics and morphology during floods. (NSF award 1916780)

  • Flood Attenuation at Network Scales

    My NSF CAREER award focuses on evaluating the importance of river-floodplain connectivity on flood reduction. This research includes a combination of field data and hydrodynamic modeling to better understand watershed resilience and flooding processes. (NSF award 2142761)

  • Transformation Network

    The Transformation Network is a large collaborative research network that aims to work with communities and partners to enhance watershed resilience through convergent research. I am working actively with the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed to explore the effectiveness of low-tech stream restoration techniques. (NSF award 2115169)